Building capacities for public administration and governance is a long-term endeavour with a diversity of tasks. The objective is to acquire practical insights into policy implementation.
How can Greater Equatoria States strengthen capacity and find a path from fragility to socio-economic progress? This section offers some answers. Including stressing the need to set capacity targets and defining the role of both state and non-state organisation.
The lack of capacity is one of the main constraints to achieving Development Goals. ELF focuses on the endogenous process of capacity development – the process of change from the perspective of those undergoing the change. It examines the factors that encourage it and see what lessons could be learned from the 1972 semi-autonomous regional government of Southern Sudan. How the rrgional government diffère from the current SPLM administration, and why efforts to develop capacity have been more successful in some contexts than in others especially comparing the fact resource availability were constrained.
Capacity targets to manage the three core functions of the states
• Security.
The provision of security upholds the social contract between state and citizen, protects people and property, and deals with crime and illegal activity while exercising oversight of security forces to ensure legitimate application of coercive force, curb- ing of abuses and maintenance of the rule of law.
• Delivery of basic public goods and services.
Successful states achieve effective provision of basic services (e.g., health, education, and infra- structure) and economic opportunity through rules-driven and transparent policymaking, regula- tion, fiscal arrangements, partnerships and civil service systems.
• Political legitimacy.
Successful states have gover- nance systems based on democratic political princi- ples that guide societal decision-making and public policy, and generate legitimacy through separation of powers, responsive and accountable govern- ment, representation and inclusiveness, and pro- tection of basic rights for all citizens.